s we have learned a way to do reach out to those at home, and those a long distance away at the edges of Oklahoma and Beyond.
- Our Living for Soul is open to all who wish to be in person and experience the wonder of our of the Tree of Life and to experience a sense of Oneness.
- And we are also Live streaming our 11 am Sunday Celebration Service via Facebook Live and YouTube. See Links below, or at the top of this page marked Live stream and bottom left which connects directly to our Facebook page
- Each Evening at 6 pm, we share a centering Video Prayer to help keep us connected and centered on the One Power and Presence that surrounds and enfolds us. This Living energy is the Source of all healing, abundance and every good thing our heart desires. The Prayer video's are are also available on Facebook and YouTube.
- An Audio Version of Sunday Lesson (Podcast) is available on this website, www.unitychurch.org. the Podcast is at the bottom of the page, titled Sunday Talks
- The Wednesday Class is at 7pm and is on Spiritual Concepts. It is an in person class and is shared in Unity will be available on Zoom, the link is 84485052413
- Passcode: Ok17600okc
YouTube Unity Spiritual Life Center OKC https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyoGFwS9zkKL1j41ylsKj-g
Facebook Live – is on our Facebook page, Unity Spiritual Life Center of Oklahoma City and it is under the post tab.
Our Living Room for the Soul, is open for Every one who would like to come to church and be connected with the community, which is due to the isolation syndrome that many people are feeling. We always recommend following Hygene protocol.
Facebook Live – is on our Facebook page, Unity Spiritual Life Center of Oklahoma City and it is under the post tab.