
Imagine – was the theme of this year’s Annual Unity People’s Convention in Kansas City, where I spent most of a week. As always, the conference was filled with many wonderful speakers and presentations.  All the music was performed by Spiritus, an amazing Unity music group from New York City.  For me the most important part was the theme Imagine, which ran through every presentation: imagine if we could reach the world with our message; imagine a world that existed without racism, prejudice, and violence; without arguing over who belongs here; without a chosen few, where harmony, balance and abundance existed in all of life, even the food we eat. I know that sounds a little like Star Trek, Next Generation; but it is possible if we can envision it!


My mind began to swirl with all the possibilities, but then that word “but” popped in my mind; partially because that was one of the conversations shared in a presentation, and another is because it is a “reality” that exist when a movement hits an invisible wall.  One of my mentors, Sallye Taylor, often talked with me about that invisible wall; she called it “Second Force.”  First Force is when you realize the Sacred Spirit of All Life and it lifts you into seeking a greater awareness of Its Presence.  It tugs at your soul and causes you to seek out to know more of Its Presence and to follow guidelines, principles, and even disciplines.  But then we hit a wall, a challenge, which causes us to doubt or to forget how we have arrived at that point.  Then we will have a sense of lack or restriction and begin to wonder whether or not we have chosen the right path.  Sallye would say, “We need to make a decision, to either walk away and lose everything we have gained to that point, or to rise up in energy and light and allow Third Force, the energy of Spirit, to lift us up over the wall that has confronted us.” Part of activating this Third Force is allowing yourself to question why you have hit the wall, denying it’s power over you, then to consider the options that might allow to overcome the obstacles you face.  The next step is to take action to activate those options.


One of the challenges for Unity Churches Worldwide is that we have hit that wall, and if we as a movement would like to see our message to continue to flow out into the world to be a vehicle for change in the many dynamics we see occurring in the world, we have to embrace this Third Force. Unity Churches are not the only churches effective by Second Force, the fact is attendance at traditional churches has radically fallen off.  Why? Because the dynamics of our culture have changed.  Due to effects of education and the fight for equality (both gender and ethnic) our culture has changed. Different values and needs have risen up in what are called Generation X and Millennials.  They have a different calling card and most do not attend “church!” Now don’t get me wrong, they still have a deep desire to experience Spirit’s Presence, but we have to find a way to reach them.  Yesterday, I spoke with our rep at YP about our advertising for the next year.  By the sound of her voice I could tell she was in her mid to late 20’s. When we were done I paused, asked if they might have a different category for Unity, then told her that Unity was not a traditional church and did not teach the same things as most churches. I then shared how we were different and were based on the teaches of Jesus and other Spiritual Masters who taught similar ideas and we did not believe in the concept of original sin. She went wild and asked how to find a Unity near her.


Imagine! A world aligned in peaceful Oneness, a joy-filled world co-created in love, harmony and abundance.  Unity has a message that can transform the world filled with violence, prejudice, greed, depression and a sense of separation to one where we live in harmony, balance, and Oneness.  As a Spiritual Community that is our vision, and the reason we exist is to be a vehicle that will empower you to know and remember your Oneness with the Divine, wherever you go. Coming weekly or whenever you can will help you remember who you really are. A child of the Divine Light Wisdom; Please spread the word.


Namaste, I see the light and wonder in you, Rev. Doc. Patrick