Annual Membership Meeting

Our Annual Membership Meeting Will be
Sunday July 21st  at 12:30


sdfOur Annual Membership Meeting has become an exciting day, as we share about the activities, events and transformations that have taken place within our Spiritual Community.  We also share a vision of events that will be occurring in the near future. Know at this moment now everything is indefinite. We will be offering the meeting on Zoom for those who are not able to come to church.  Let us know and we will send you the login information for zoom. easy.  Lots of exciting things are happening as we boldly stand in this moment and prepare to take a step forward.    We really hope you will join us. 


The purpose of the annual meeting is actually to elect new members to the Board of Trustees to fill the terms of those who will be completing their terms of service in July. We would like to thank those fine members for their time and efforts. So please share your thanks and appreciation to Phillip Hyde, Vicki Martin, Gene Fowler Janice Papst, Dana Martin, D Ray Polk, and Levi Hudgins, for their time, dedication and service.  Gene Fowler is completing her term of service and we want to especially thank her for all she has done. 


Each Board of Trustee is elected to a three-year term, unless there is an opening because someone has had to leave her/his position of sacred service. The bylaw requirements for serving as a board of trustee member are that an individual:

  1. Desire to serve on the board and is capable and willing to perform the duties of a trustee.
  2. Be a member of the church.
  3. Attended USLC for at least one year.
  4. Completed at least three core Unity classes.
  5. Completed Art and Practice of Living with No One and Nothing Against You or an approved course like Be Peace, Non Violent Communication, or The “I” of the Storm.
  6. Demonstrated ongoing support of the USLC through the tithing of time, talent and treasures.
  7. Demonstrated leadership capabilities.
  8. Meets qualifications outlined in nominating committee protocol.


You are amazing, A Powerful Creative Spiritual Being!

That’s right say it with me

I am an amazing, powerful Creative Spiritual Being! 

I Am creating My reality through the power of my thoughts and words. 

Remember that at work, in the store, on the road, watching TV!