Having Fun in the OT

Sunday Mornings at 9:30 Having Fun in the OT The way Unity looks at the Bible transformed my life and the way I see myself. Like me, many people who find their way to Unity struggle with the Bible. This is largely due to what they were taught about it; it is the literal Truth, that they are miserable sinners, or having been beaten over the head with it. As a result, it makes little sense, because the message shared within Bible, is actually very different. In Unity we see the Bible as a guidebook for our Spiritual Evolution, from Adam man to our awakening to our Christ nature in the book of Revelations. The Stories of the Bible can provide meaning to your life, if you have the keys. Please join me in exploring the mysteries of the OT through Metaphysical Bible Interpretation and a process called Maieutic.
September 17th, 2017 from  9:30 AM to 10:35 AM