Rogue One, The Movie of the Month

Rogue One The Movie of the Month Friday April 28th at 7 pm Sunday April 30th at 1 pm The Newest Star Wars Story. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction. One Amazon Reviewer wrote. “I loved this Star Wars movie more than any other, with the exception of the first one released in 1977, Episode IV: A New Hope. It is exciting, thought provoking and so fun to watch all the puzzle pieces of the merging storylines come together. Masterfully created in my opinion and really takes me back to my childhood days. We saw it the day after Carrie Fisher passed and it was quite a tribute that led to a few tears in the last moments of the film.” So Join Rev. Patrick for another great Star Wars presentation, who will be watching for the very first time! If you coming on Friday Night Pizza will be served at 6:30. If you plan on eating gives us call, so we know how much to make Present on a Love-Offering Basis Some One You Might Like to Meet Lonette Van Miegham and Ayana Najuma after attending our New Member Orientation Class this past month have decided they would like to be members of USLC. And in the previous month Rick Wicker, Vickie Martin, Brenda Stevens, Cindy Hays and Don Riddle attended the Membership Class and decided to be members of USLC. So
April 30th, 2017 from  1:15 PM to  3:15 PM