The One Constant in the Universe

The One Constant in the Universe is change! So we’d better develop the spiritual strength and learn how to deal with it in a creative imaginative way!  Sunday morning when I walked outside and saw that my side street was completely snow and ice free, I was really bedoggolled! Yea! Bedoggoled, it continued all day Monday the outside temperature reached 68 degrees, which is what I have had my house set on for the past two weeks. although I have been holding the vision of the sun shinning down and warming up things and encouraging people to do the same, I didn’t quite believe it would happen so fast!  Last Thursday with below freezing temperatures and snow drifts up to three feet, then by Sunday afternoon most of it was gone, even the mounds of snow I had created while shoveling the snow! Wow!

Yes, change is the only constant in the universe, and we better develop, our faculty of spiritual strength to deal with it in creative and imaginative ways. I really should be used to it by now! 2020 was just one of the craziest years, from the ever-changing predictions of the C-virus and guidelines on whole to deal with it, in the ever changing economic and social environments, to the craziest political year ever, and then there are those ever-changing dynamics of that non-existent climate change.  I think that one dating commercial of the girl named 2020 is so on target of what has happened this past year! 2020 advertises for a date and meets the man of her dreams, Satan, who is actually open and receptive to meeting a dominatrix, who knows what she wants! Sounds crazy, well!

Yes, The One Constant in the Universe is change! So we better develop our faculty of spiritual strength and learn how to deal with it in a creative imaginative ways!  What do I mean? Well, in opening of the book of Genesis as it talks about the creative process, it says, “In the beginning when Elohim created the heavens and the earth a wind swept across the face of the deep, and the Creative Essence said, ‘let there be light!’ In other words, when we look out into the ethers of each day and we feel the swirling winds of life, pulling us in different directions and we want to run and hide, we should actually just pause within the moment, and activate our faculty of spiritual strength.  Pause in this moment now and ask Elohim, the Infinite Presence, for strength to be in this moment and feel for the understanding to come, which will guide our next step! When you do, you may feel a tugging in the pit of your stomach (Healing Touch calls it your sacral area, the energy center right behind your belly button.) Allow the energy you feel there just to swirl, activating and opening the charkas that reside there, seeing the whole area turn the color of spring green (the color of plants popping up in the soil of your garden). Then see the vortex energy swirling and expanding to fill and feel your whole being.  Say to yourself, I am spiritual strength, I am standing at the center of the swirling winds of chaos and I allow the Creative Spirit, the energy of all life to guide me.  Then let go of all your attachments and judgments about how you want things to be and just allow spirit and the power of your imagination to guide you, without resistance.

Sound crazy, well it is! But remember the one constant in the universe is change! As opposed to resisting this one constant and trying somehow to make it compliant to your wishes, which you should know don’t work too well, seek to understand this one constant’s movements. Activate and engage the power of spiritual strength, so you can pause in the movements of the Creative Energy of life and allow it to lift you to where you are going. It takes great faith to allow this to happen, which is another charka that you also need to engage and empower at the same time. Remember faith is a power that empowers us to see beyond our beliefs and to connect with the movements of Creative Force, that is just beyond our mortal mind’s ability to perceive. Sound crazy? Well, it is, but it’s true! I invite you to get working on it, and know


I see the Light and Wonder of the Divine in You.  
Namaste RevDoc Patrick