The Journey of A New Way of Being (SEE)

The Journey of A New Way of Being Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am “The Revelation To John” is perhaps the most controversial book of the Bible. Often it is used to invoke fear, trepidation and to encourage people to repent their sinful ways. But what if I told you it was written as a book of hope? Unity believes that the second coming of the Christ will occur within you and we believe the Revelation to John was written as a guide for those willing to commit to following the New Way of Being that our Spirit is prompting us to take. The Revelation to John is actually step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for the journey to the New Jerusalem and lists the type of challenges you will face and how you can overcome them. As you awaken to your inner divinity a battle will be waged between the different levels of your consciousness. Conflict will arise out of suppressed memories and beliefs. As you travel your path of healing and spiritual unfoldment these beliefs will come to the forefront of your mind. Will you be ready for the journey to awakening that will test your soul? Understanding what is hidden within the text of The Revelation of John is a key The book of Revelation metaphysically interpreted is a summary of the process of growth and spiritual unfoldment and is based on the belief that one day we will attain recognition of our essential Oneness with the One Creative Force of the universe.
April 5th, 2015 from  9:30 AM to 10:35 AM