Experiencing The Good Life

Experiencing The Good Life By Understanding the way of True Prosperity Sunday Mornings at 9:30 Charles Fillmore shocked the religious establishment of his day (and ours) when he said, “It is a sin to be poor!” He wasn’t referring to moral bankruptcy, but to the frustration of our potentiality. He believed and taught that, when we establish ourselves in the awareness of “The Kingdom’s Presence,” the whole Universe moves to flow through us with its abundance of life and substance. His writings and insights can provide a way for you to escape the bondage the mortal mind might be holding you in Charles Fillmore was one of those individuals who amassed and lost fortunes, before coming into a deeper understanding of the Laws of Abundance. Once he committed himself to living by these principles his life he came into a true understanding meant to Experience The Good Life! So you might deduce that he had some pretty good insights into the natural flow of Universal good. Papa Charlie wrote, “It is perfectly logical to assume that a wise and competent Creator would provide for the needs of Its creations in their various stages of growth.” So a question might be, “Do you have a wise and competent god?” Or are you falling short in understanding of the ways It provides for you. Fillmore concludes, “What we need to realize above all else is that God has provided for the most minute needs of our daily life and that if we lack anything it is because we have not used our minds in making the right contact with Divine Mind and the cosmic ray that automatically flows from It.” Join us on Sunday morning for an enlightening discussion of the Laws of Abundance as presented in Charles Fillmore’s book “Prosperity.” Prosperity is a required class for Unity Spiritual Education and Enlightenment curriculum (SEE). Live Long And Prosper! It’s not just a Vulcan phrase. It’s the Voice of the Infinite calling to you with an abundant supply! Catch the vision for the fullness of life!
October 26th, 2014 from  9:30 AM to 10:30 AM