September Minister's Letter - Running to

Minister's Letter - Running to


Running too, sometimes life feels like I am always running to things. As I have gotten older time seems to evaporate, with a schedule that always seems beyond full. But there are so many wonderful things to do, yet my mind wanders, “Is there enough time to get it all done!”  As I was driving to Atlanta the other night, to be a guest speaker and promote my book, The Miracle Before Your Eyes, I was driving down I-22, a little know Interstate Highway that runs between Memphis and Birmingham, at about 80 miles an hour and then were cars zooming by me at 90 and 100 miles per hour. I thought, “Wow, they must be in a hurry where are they running to, something really big must be on their mind.” Here we are driving in one of the most beautiful parts of the country, the southern portion of the Appalachian Mountains going up and down hills, passing by lakes and rivers moving through mountain over looks, and we really missing out on what really is important, the splendor of this moment now!  And there were not just a few cars zooming by me.


When I got into each of the cities I traveled through it wasn’t much different, although I slowed down a little, the other travelers didn’t.  Cars zooming in and out of traffic, tail gating (as if that will get you anywhere) and then everything comes to a screeching halt. Another accident… People running from here to there, not leaving enough time between events, preoccupied with the many things on their mind and not taking the time to experience the wonder of this moment now! Like the man, who pulled up next to me at a light with his radio blaring, (boom di-de-e boom, di-de-e em boom), and even though both our windows were closed, my ears were hurting and our cars were shaking. I looked over and this man is looking at and punching numbers into his cell phone, as he sits on the bumper of the car in front of him. He was definitely running to somewhere, preoccupied with far more important matters, than experiencing the wonder of this moment now. I said a silent prayer for him so he would make it to his destination safely. 


Well I made it to Unity Atlanta safely and in plenty of time to have a wonderful experience at their amazing church, with awesome music and glowing faces.  Like many Unity churches they are moving through a time of transition, as we try to figure out how to reach a changing world filled with lots of people running to fill the space time continuum; while not recognizing it’s not about filling the space time continuum with lots of stuff, but feeling It, experiencing Its wonder and goodness.  While we (Unity) recognize that tweaking our message is necessary to reach Millennials, it is also important to understand in the last twenty years there has been a huge shift in consciousness due to the change in media and communication systems. With the advent of internet, email facebook, twitter, dish networks, youtube and others, more and more people have access to information, and different forms of knowledge that mankind has never been exposed to. This surge of information and access to “knowledge” is creating a shift in the consciousness of the world.  This shift is showing up in many ways, and many people are running to places to try to fill the creative void they are experiencing, not realizing as I have said before that it is not about trying to fill the void, but standing in Its midst and allowing It to lift you up into the knowledge and awareness you seek. As Socrates taught wisdom doesn’t come from reading books and what people tell you, it comes from the polarities rising up within you from the stories they share.


Yesterday, Shavonne showed me around her new job, wow, what an amazing place.  Goodwood Museum and Garden right in the heart of Tallahassee. A treasure chest of wonders right in the heart of the city, but since its residences are always running from here to there, most don’t even know it’s there! It’s time for all of us to slow down, open our hearts and minds to the wonder of the moment and to Love’s Presence in our midst


Namaste I see the Light In YOU! Rev. Doc. Patrick